Enter your COD:M Player ID and select the top-up amount; |
2. Select Boleto as your payment method; |
3. Fill in all the requested data, tick the Terms and Conditions boxes, and then click the "Buy Now" button; Continue the process; |
4. Boleto is generated in the new tab and you can print or copy the barcode. After payment, just wait from 30 minutes to 24 working hours, depending on the bank where you made the payment. When your payment is processed and complete, you will be redirected to the success screen. |
Attention to the average time for approval of the Boleto:
Up to 1 hour for traditional banks or 24 hours for appointments (at any bank) and digital banks (PicPay, Mercado Pago, NuBank, Banco Inter, etc). Remember that as the payment is made within 24 working hours after the effective payment, for purchases made during the weekend, the arrival deadline is Tuesday. as the actual payment is made on Monday.